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Flowers, peppery spice, and the occasional hint of red grape.  Sterling can mimic her Czech Saaz heritage, but like many cultured arrivals to New World soil has become a little louder.

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  • Pellets
  • Whole Cone Hops
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Endless possibilities. Here are a few that are tried and true.

Flavor Tip: West Coast IPA

Not to be left behind as a lager hop, Sterling blends beautifully with certain other hops to add the signature spice that tantalizes most palates and can help fill out an IPA.

Flavor Tip: Helles / Pils / Kölsch

Sterling excels in a traditional Czech style Pils, and brings the signature spicy finish of Czech lager fame. Of course you can break from tradition and bring out a classy floral character that hints at red wine grapes.

Flavor Tip: Pale Ale

We still remember a single hopped Sterling Pale Ale about seven summers ago… possibly the most enjoyable summer refresher we had the pleasure of drinking that year. Sterling has enough punch to fill out a Pale in fantastic fashion.

Flavor Tip: Blonde / Summer Wheat Ale

Sterling adds a catchy twist of spice and flowers to give these summer styles a little attitude.

Flavor Tip: Farmhouse / Saison

Sterling’s peppery spice and soft floral/red grape are at home in Saison and Farmhouse beers as well.

Fresh flavor for your brew!

Pellet Packs
Type 90 Pellets
5 kg /11 lbs ; 10 kg /22 lbs ; and 20 kg /44 lbs
Nitrogen flushed vacuum-sealed foils
Whole Cone Hops
Full 200 lb bales (synthetic woven covers)
50 lb - ¼ bales in nitrogen flushed vacuum-sealed foils
12 lb - Mini bales in nitrogen flushed vacuum-sealed foils


Alpha Acid
6 - 9%
Beta Acid
4 - 6%
Total Oil
1.3 - 1.9mls/100g
19 - 23%
5 - 7%
11 - 17%
Hop Starts
Hop Starts with tag



Sterling was bred as an alternative to Czech Saaz that would grow successfully in the USA. Released from the USDA-Corvallis, OR in 1998, Sterling is the result of a cross between Saaz, Cascade, Brewers Gold and others.  The resemblance is impressive, and Sterling caught the interest of American lager brewers and craft brewers alike.

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SEED TO SIP: A New Hop is Born

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This is the story of Strata. Watch the short film to learn how we made this ten year "overnight" success happen.
Pair of hands holding harvested hops

Spot Ordering vs Contract

From an agricultural standpoint, forward contracts are critical for stabilizing crops. It takes two to three years for a new hop field to mature and produce consistent quality. For brewers, contracting hops is the best way to secure supply and ensure quality via post-harvest selection. But you’re obligated to the hops, and it’s difficult to predict your future ingredient needs in a changing marketplace.

Each brewery must determine how to manage their future supply risks based on their evolving business. We’re happy to be a resource in this area and answer your questions based on what we see going on in the hop industry. Our customers play a key role in helping us plan with growers to ensure consistent hop quality and supply.

Reach out to discuss your needs!

Outside the USA? Find your supplier.

“Sterling is similar to Czech Saaz, but brighter and a bit more floral.”

Brewer Spotlight

Shane Watterson

Geoffrey Phillips, Jason Barbee and Shane Watterson founded Level Beer in 2016 with a focus on balance—“balanced beers for a balanced life.” These industry veterans are parents of young kids, so they teamed up to create an environment where they and their employees could enjoy work/life balance and really well-made beer.